Technical research:
Understanding the effects of hydrodynamic shear and turbulent flow during membrane chromatography
This technical paper details the experiments and resulting data on calculating hydrodynamic shear rate, cumulative shear stress and Reynolds number values that might be expected in high productivity affinity membrane chromatography as a function of size and scale. Additionally these values were benchmarked by performing similar calculations on resin bead columns at representative conditions for comparison. Further, it was desired to experimentally purify a representative clarified CHO cell harvest across several membrane and resin
column size scales to compare low order protein aggregation and/or fragmentation profiles. The experiments also evaluated whether elution yields and/or column fouling would be practically impacted by any large-scale aggregation taking place at solid phase interfaces over repeated cycling.
This research includes:
- Reynolds number calculations- chromatographic media bed
- Reynolds number calculations-inlet and outlet tubing
- Shear rate distribution and cumulative shear stress
- Experimental cycling and impact to protein quality